2011-12 Japan

Meine beruflicher Abschied bescherte uns im Dezember 2011 eine 2-Wochen-Reise nach China und Japan.

Die Highlights waren Tokyo mit Abschiedsparty von den Kollegen und ein Ausflug nach Hakuba in die japanischen Alpen, wo wir unsere japanischen Freunde besuchten.


My business farewell trip got us to China and Japan in December 2011,

where we spent 2 interesting weeks, first in Shanghai and then in the Tokyo area with a big farewell party organized by my old Clariant collegues and finally in Hakuba in the Japanese Alps, where we spent a weekend with our Japanese friends.

Tokyo, Shizuoka and Yokohama were the stops during the first 5 days.

Hakuba mountain area gave us a wonderful insight in the Japanese countryside.

Wonderful weather in Shanghai, farewell parties in China and Japan, Sightseeing for Gerhild with friends.

And finally a train ride to the Japanese alps and singing a Christmas song in 3 languages together with our Japanese friends were the highlights of the trip.